Personal Injury Attorney

After a serious accident, you need an advocate by your side who can provide you with support and knowledgeable advice throughout your case. You want an attorney who knows how to handle your claim and secure the compensation you need to cover your medical bills, lost wages and the pain and suffering you have had to endure.

You can find the skilled and experienced representation you require at Dickson & Pope, P.A. Attorney Judy A. Pope represents clients in a wide range of personal injury claims, including:

  • Motor vehicle accidents, including car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, bus accidents and bicycle accidents
  • Construction accidents, including scaffolding and ladder falls, forklift and other heavy equipment accidents, truck and construction vehicle accidents, construction tool and equipment injuries, and others
  • Product liability claims, which are claims on behalf of individuals who have been injured by a dangerous or defective product
  • Serious injury and wrongful death claims
  • Other negligence claims, including boat accidents, swimming pool accidents, dog bite attacks and others

Ms. Pope also represents clients in workers’ compensation and medical malpractice claims. To schedule a free consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney, contact Dickson & Pope, P.A., in Leawood or Topeka, Kansas.

Put An Experienced Attorney On Your Side

Judy A. Pope is a caring and skilled personal injury lawyer with more than 30+ years of legal experience. She has represented hundreds of injured clients and has extensive experience in cases involving serious injuries and wrongful death.

Get The Vigorous Representation You Require

From the start of your case, Ms. Pope will work diligently to build a strong case on your behalf. Ms. Pope takes time to investigate the cause of accidents, understand the nature of her clients’ injuries and gather evidence that is critical to the effective prosecution of personal injury claims. When necessary, Ms. Pope can enlist the assistance of accident reconstruction experts, life-care planners, vocational rehabilitation experts, medical experts, economists and other experts to assist in the effective management of complex personal injury claims.

Contact A Kansas City Product Liability And Personal Injury Lawyer

Dickson & Pope, P.A., represents clients throughout Kansas in personal injury claims. Ms. Pope offers a free consultation and charges no fees unless she obtains compensation for you. To contact personal injury lawyer Judy A. Pope, call 913-387-5510.

* Use of this website does not create an attorney-client relationship. The information on this site is not legal advice.