Workers’ compensation on the rise for U.S. postal workers

When Kansas residents think of injuries occurring in the workplace, they may often think of construction workers, bricklayers and miners as being some of the most dangerous occupations. However, recent reports indicate that United States’ postal workers have a demanding job as well, resulting in an increased number of injuries and increased workers’ compensation insurance.

The Government Accountability Office has reported that in 2012, there were over 32,000 injuries reported by employees of the postal service. In addition, the cost of workers’ compensation increased nearly 70% between 2009 and 2012. Workers compensation insurance for 2012 amounted to $3.7 billion.

While the postal worker’s job may seem relatively safe, many injuries are reported due the extremely physical and repetitive nature of the job. Also, while the nature of the work may be repetitive, there are many different ways a postal worker may injured. Injuries occurring from dog bites, falls and collisions with vehicles were all reported. For postal workers, the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act provides funding for medical benefits to workers who suffer both permanent and temporary disabilities.

There may be Kansas workers who are not employed by the federal government, but who become injured on the job. Fortunately, workers’ compensation benefits are mandated by every state and can provide for medical expenses, training for new positions, as well as compensation for any permanent injuries that are suffered. One does not have to be in a dangerous job to collect workers compensation benefits.

Any Kansas resident who has been injured on the job may benefit from the expertise and guidance of experienced workers’ compensation legal professionals. They will ensure that the injured worker receives all the compensation to which they are entitled.

Source: Insurance Journal, “Neither Rain Nor Sleet But Dog Bites: Post Office Workers’ Injury Claims,” Sept. 27, 2013